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      2. 金輝控股-投資者關系-公司資料
        RADIANCE HLDGS 9993
        Listed on the Main Board of the
        Hong Kong Stock Exchange
        52 Week Highest / HK$
        52 Week Lowest / HK$
        Tx Vol / 10k
        Tx Amt / 10k HK$
        By 23/07/2024 03:39
        Quote delayed at least 15 minutes.
        Data:ET Net Limited. | Disclaimer
        Executive Directors
        Mr. Lam Ting Keung (Chairman)
        Mr. Lam Yu
        Mr. Huang Junquan
        Mr. Xu Xiaodong
        Independent non-executive Directors
        Mr. Zhang Huaqiao
        Mr. Tse Yat Hong
        Mr. Chung Chong Sun
        Audit committee
        Mr. Chung Chong Sun (Chairman)
        Mr. Zhang Huaqiao
        Mr. Tse Yat Hong
        Remuneration committee
        Mr. Zhang Huaqiao (Chairman)
        Mr. Tse Yat Hong
        Mr. Lam Yu
        Nomination committee
        Mr. Lam Ting Keung (Chairman)
        Mr. Zhang Huaqiao
        Mr. Chung Chong Sun
        Company secretary
        Ms. Kwok Yan Ting Jennis
        Authorized representatives
        Mr. Xu Xiaodong
        Ms. Kwok Yan Ting Jennis
        Principal banks
        Agricultural Bank of China
        Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
        Bank of China
        China Construction Bank
        China Minsheng Bank
        China Merchants Bank
        China Everbright Bank
        China Guangfa Bank
        Industrial Bank
        Auditor and reporting accountant
        Ernst & Young
        Registered office
        PO Box 309, Ugland House Grand Cayman, KY1-1104 Cayman Islands
        Principal place of business and headquarters in the PRC
        42/F, Radiance Plaza, Qiyang Road, Wangjing, Chaoyang District, Beijing, PRC
        Principal place of business in Hong Kong
        Unit 6709, 67/F, The Center, 99 Queen’s Road Central Central, Hong Kong
        Principal share registrar and transfer office in Cayman Islands
        Tricor Services (Cayman Islands) Limited
        Third Floor, Century Yard
        Cricket Square, P.O. Box 902
        Grand Cayman, KY1-1103
        Cayman Islands
        Hong Kong Share Registrar
        Tricor Investor Services Limited
        17/F, Far East Finance Centre
        16 Harcourt Road
        Hong Kong
        Company’s website